StudioFIT, LLC
Welcome to Fit for Reel's cross-training classes!  Check out below what classes and workshops are coming up!  

NEW Workshop:  Intro to Cross-training for Young Dancers (ages 7-11)
Sunday, May 19th @1pm EDT
The best time to introduce dancers to cross-training to build strength and help prevent injuries is when they are young!  This workshop is about helping dancers ages 7-11 learn about proper posture, hopping, turnout and core strength in ways that are safe and effective.  Parents and teachers, you are highly recommended to attend this workshop to support your dancer, as well as learn age-appropriate exercises you can start doing now with your young dancer to get them on the right path for a successful dance journey.

Dancers, come dressed and ready to move because we'll do a mini workout you can continue to incorporate into your own training at home or in the studio! *The workshop will be recorded and available to all ticket holders for 30 days.


Looking for more personalized structure to your training?  Don't forget about our 1:1 sessions with our Highland VIP Coaching!  Go deeper with your training for turnout, strength, power, and core control so you're on track to reach your dance goals in time for competitions to start back up.  Interested in taking the next steps for 1:1 training?  Complete the interest form HERE.

Thank you for your support!  As always, reach out to [email protected] with any questions or suggestions for future classes.  Happy Training! 

No class found for the selected class and online zoom class.
19 Wed
June 19
10:00 amGMT-04:00
8-week series: Metabolic Mash-up Fitness Training (8/8)
45 minutes